Commentary: Trump promises sustain military pressure and condemns Assad as the mass killer

Editorial Desk :
On Saturday, the United States, France and Britain launched 105 missiles targeting three chemical weapons facilities in Syria in retaliation for a suspected poison gas attack in Douma on April 7 which killed at least 60 and left many seriously injured.
The US President Donald Trump has warned Saturday that this is just one reminder to Bashar al-Assad that such attack on unarmed civilian including men, women and children will not be tolerated. He is bound to pay a heavy price.
Mr Trump has for the first time however come up with a clear US strategy for Syria breaking the past policy vacuum when he said ‘America is now prepared to sustain attack on Syria if the government does not stop use chemical weapons on the civilians.” He has also promised ‘military, economic and diplomatic actions’ to sustain the Western pressure on Assad regime and Russia and Iran to stop the war.
The US military had also carried out similar missile attacks on Syrian chemical weapon stockpile in April last year but Assad remained defiant to commit the same crime again to win a bloody war against his own people. But this time the UK and France also joined in the military action to give a decisive blow to the Syrian regime and a stern message to Russia and Iran to disassociate them from the criminal Syrian regime.
 Mr Trump has asked the question meaning Russia and Iran as main defender of President Assad “What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of men, women and children”
Mr Trump accused Russia and Iran as most responsible for supporting, equipping, and financing the criminal Assad regime. He made no mistake to tell them their support to promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants and murderous dictators is not acceptable to the civilized World. The entire region is going to face bigger chaos.
In our view a one time use of force by the West on what Mr Trump said on Syrian ‘animal Assad regime’ is in no way enough to stop his appetite for blood. It can’t destroy his brutal regime.
Reports said Washington is scheduled to announce new economic sanctions on Russia on Monday and tightening crew on Iran; which is Syrian regional ally helping it to hold the ground.
Mr Trump has said Russia and maybe even Iran will be forced one day to work with the USA to end the war and then better why they should not open political talk now. He said Britain, France, and the United States of America have marshaled their righteous power against barbarism and brutality and the coalition will continue to work.
It is almost clear there is no alternative to decisive US leadership to end the Syrian war including military action on the ground. It is certainly unfortunate that Iran being a Muslim country has joined hands with the killer Assad who loves to kill his own people. But the world is looking on France, Britain, the USA and other civilised nations for saving lives in Syria.
We of course want America to play the decisive role and its President has of late promised it. However it is not enough to try to save lives in Syria the bigger question is how and when Syria will be freed from killer Assad. He must pay for so many lives he has killed.