Trump promises report on election hacking

BBC Online :
Donald Trump has promised to issue a report within 90 days on allegations of Russian hacking during the US presidential election campaign.
In a series of tweets, the president-elect called the claims “made-up facts by sleazebag political operatives”.
US intelligence agencies have accused Russia of interfering in the election by hacking party communications.
They are also weighing claims that Moscow is holding compromising information about Mr Trump.
On Thursday the president-elect said Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had called him to “denounce the false and fictitious” reports of a Russian dossier against him, which
were leaked to media earlier in the week. But Mr Clapper said he had told Mr Trump that no judgement had so far been made on the reliability of the reports. He also denied that intelligence agencies has originated the leaks.
The reports have deepened a rift between Mr Trump and the US intelligence community.
In his first news conference as president-elect on Wednesday, Mr Trump said it would be a “tremendous blot” on the reputation of US intelligence agencies if they had leaked information.
“That’s something that Nazi Germany would have done,” he said.
On Tuesday, the Buzzfeed website published a 35-page document – which had been circulating in political and media circles before the election – claiming that Russia has damaging information about the president-elect’s business interests, and footage of him using prostitutes during a visit to Moscow.
Russia dismissed the allegations as “pulp fiction”.
The dossier, which is believed to have been commissioned initially by Republicans opposed to Mr Trump, was prepared by a former MI6 officer who now runs a London-based private consultancy.
Christopher Steele, who was formerly based in Moscow with the British foreign spy agency, is believed to have left his home this week and is now in hiding, the BBC understands.
Earlier this month intelligence agencies release the unclassified version of a report alleging that the Russian government had a “clear preference” for Mr Trump to win US election.