Trump praises UN sanctions on N Korea over IBM tests

ABC News :
The Security Council unanimously approved the sanctions on North Korea, including banning coal and other exports worth over $1 billion.
The US-drafted measure, negotiated with North Korea’s neighbour and ally China, is aimed at increasing economic pressure on Pyongyang to return to negotiations on its nuclear and missile programs.
Mr Trump wrote on Twitter that China and Russia voted with the US to pass what he called “the single largest economic sanctions package ever” on North Korea.
Mr Trump’s national security adviser, HR McMaster, stressed in an interview that aired earlier in the day that it is “impossible to overstate the danger” posed by North Korea.
In an interview with MSNBC’s Hugh Hewitt, Mr McMaster said Mr Trump has been “deeply briefed” on the strategy on North Korea.
Tensions have mounted with Pyongyang’s two recent successful tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Mr McMaster reiterated the administration’s position that all options, including a targeted military strike, are on the table.
Still, he acknowledged this “would be a very costly war, in terms of … terms of the suffering of mainly the South Korean people”.
McMaster continued: “So what we have to do is – is everything we can to – to pressure this regime, to pressure Kim Jong Un and those around him such that they conclude it is in their interest to denuclearise.”
The comments came as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was in the Philippines for a regional summit expected to focus heavily on concerns with North Korea.