Trump offers money to buy slavery for Palestinians

Recent media report said US President Donald Trump has suspended $65 million aid to Palestinian humanitarian aid agency telling the leaders the money is on the table; come to talk with USA on peace treaty with Israel and get the money. In reply Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said if Jerusalem is on table we talk, if not the US is not on the table.

In our view Muslim countries should learn how to help the Palestinians from Israel-US domination. They can reject unnecessary US help that enslave the people. They should pull courage to tell the USA that relations should be based on fair play. Bullying will not work as Mr Abbas has recently said to the US President.

But saying is easy, where is the strength?

Palestinian National Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi more candidly rejected the US bid saying: “We will not be blackmailed.” She spoke for the beleaguered Palestinian people in the occupied land who feel totally betrayed by the deceit of Donald Trump who broke with the long US policy openly taking side with Israel.
Palestinian leaders recently rightly distanced them from US Vice President Mike Pence as he was travelling Israel and Jordan and looking for an opportunity to meet Palestinian leaders to shore up the lost US position as peace mediator after recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Trump slammed the ‘audacity’ of the Palestinian leaders saying they have ‘disrespected’ the USA by not meeting Pence. But Trump must learn to be decent and respectful. His own people call him vulgar. Trump deserves no respect from Muslims as long as he behaves like a puddle of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Trump was openly expressing his anger saying the US pays millions of dollars a year to Palestinians and get no appreciation or respect. But Trump cannot declare Jerusalem as capital of Israel denying Palestinians right to the city. How can he expect Palestinians to show respect to him when he is out to destroy the Palestinian statehood.


Trump’s action on Palestinians has come heavily on the stateless people, particularly the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has come as a big blow. The USA under Trump is no longer a peace broker.

Trump is a Muslim hater and the Muslim countries must stop expecting anything good from him. The Muslims must decide noncooperation with Trump.

It is nothing for the Muslim world to meet the financial and military needs of Palestinians. Pakistan showed how a Muslim country can face the US hegemony. Islamabad in a sharp rebuttal to a recent US threat to cut $900 million aid said it may also stop US military supply line to Afghan war front through Pakistan. Turkey is defiantly fighting the US backed Kurdish forces in Syria on its border.

Muslim countries must have strong solidarity to answer Trump’s audacity against the Palestinians by stopping US aid. Trump forgets how many billions he spends on Israel against Palestinians. Muslim countries together are enough to protect the Palestinian people. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Turkey and such other Muslim countries must get united against Trump. They must look for new friend. American sends Trump is no hope for the Palestinians. The problem in Muslim world is that wealthy rulers are wasting billions of dollars in buying weapons and in Western casinos. They fear their own people. Let the Muslim countries show their guts and sense of dignity.
