Trump is exploiting disunity of Muslims to advance his anti-Muslim agenda

President Donald Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the instruction to his administration to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has come as the biggest blow to the Palestinian peace process based on two state solutions. The moribund US brokered process was indeed dead for many years but Mr Trump’s decision laid the last nail in the coffin.

There is no doubt the US President is playing foul with the fate of the Palestinian people because the Muslim world has no effective and united leadership to stand up and protect the interest of the Muslim Ummah.

They have no self-respect now within their country to claim respect and being counted by outside powers. Most Muslim countries are fighting factional war or sectarian conflicts. Some have already foregone Palestinian cause to protect them from fear of internal dismantling.

It is no secret that Mr Trump is using this disunity to promote the interest of Israel and his own anti-Muslim policies.

The weak angry reaction coming from the Muslim world is not enough to face challenge to the Palestinian statehood. Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 but the international community recognized it as the capital of a future Palestinian state. The international community has not recognised whole of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


Reaction from world leaders was however quick to Mr Trump’s announcement. As soon as Mr Trump ended his statement in Washington recognizing Jerusalem as capital of Israel, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres is one first who in a public statement from New York quickly denounced Mr Trump’s decision. He voiced his anguish over his mad move.
Mr Trump is indeed an imbalanced person and psychopath and anxious to undermine world peace. He is deal maker and peace wrecker. It is feared that his recklessness and lack of understanding the world of politics may plunge the world into a nuclear war. Sensible people in America are trying hard to save America and the world from his sick mental condition.

His position as president is now very shaky as his Russia connection in 2016 election is quickly unfolding. So he is stirring support of anti-Muslim ultra-nationalist groups and Jewish lobbies to feel safe and divert US politics to new direction.

His ‘America First’ slogan has already become ‘Israel First’ policy, a commentator said although it costs the US its global leadership role. He is an Israeli agent now working for greater Israel. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has rightly said the US has lost its acceptance as peace broker as Mr Trump has now openly sided with Israel. It is an open betrayal to Palestinian cause.

The UN Secretary General has reiterated the stance of the UN Security Council and General Assembly on the Palestinian conflict; which said among other things the final status of Jerusalem will be decided by end negotiation to the peace process. Trump has no right to make such unilateral decision. It is a breach of international law. The Secretary General has called a meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday to discuss the latest situation as it posed imminent threat to the region.
Germany, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and host of other countries have already denounced the move blaming Mr Trump for ignoring warning of world leaders that such step will not be good for world peace. Mr Trump is now abandoned in global politics while the USA is weathering shame and disgrace it never experienced before.

Mere angry denunciation of President Trump’s decision to declare Jerusalem belonging to Israel as its capital or isolated violence here and there will have no impact. Almost all the leaders of the world find President Trump being unsound and wrong on the issue of Jerusalem. The leaders of Muslim countries must learn to act together to take advantage of the world support for the Palestinians. They must show their strength where they are strong and act unitedly for the peace process though now broken.
