Trump is also a German un-American immigrant

A YEAR into the Trump presidency, he has set an unprecedented record of displaying the highest form of revulsion against immigrants. Having imposed an immigration and travel ban on a number of Middle Eastern countries, especially Muslims last year once more he has balked at an immigration deal that would include protections for people from Haiti and some nations in Africa last week.
 Ironically and also deliberately he keeps forgetting that if his grandfather Frederick Trump hadn’t emigrated from Germany in 1885 – his fate and identity would have been completely different today. The more he lashes out against the immigrants; he actually lashes out against his own blood.
However, Mr. Trump has often guised his racial prejudices and anti-immigrant remarks in the name of ‘merit-based immigration’ which would make America stronger. But hasn’t countless immigrants living in America for decades played a vital role in establishing America as one of the strongest nation on earth? On a broader scale – hasn’t all immigrants contributed to what is America today?
Mr. Trump has also branded a number of poor developing countries by using a filthy slang consisting of eight words. His vulgar language on a delicate issue as immigration now leaves the fate of the broader immigration debate in limbo and has the potential to sink the chances of achieving the deal being sought to protect about 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to America as children. He has once more proved to be the only racist US President who does not share the values enshrined in the US Constitution or Declaration of Independence.
He must apologize to the countries he has insulted and refrain from exhibiting vulgar personal opinions – in the three years left to his presidential term.
Mr. Trump has nothing more than his racist views to guide him as he tries to reform US immigration.
But he conveniently forgets his grand parents came to USA as immigrants. He is the most un-American immigrant from Germany and the decent Americans would do well by sending him back to Germany. The question is when an immigrant can claim other people’s country as his.
