Trump ‘groped woman like an octopus

"˜Groping claims 'absolutely false'

Donald Trump savaged US media for reporting "outright lies"" that he groped and forcibly kissed women."
Donald Trump savaged US media for reporting "outright lies"" that he groped and forcibly kissed women."
BBC Online :
Donald Trump is facing a series of allegations of inappropriate sexual contact, after US media reported claims from several women.
Two women told the New York Times that the Republican presidential candidate groped or kissed them.
A People magazine reporter also said she was forcibly kissed, while another woman said Mr Trump grabbed her bottom.
Mr Trump’s campaign have rejected the claims and threatened legal action against the NYT.
His camp made public a letter to the US newspaper calling its article “defamatory” and “a politically-motivated effort to defeat Mr Trump’s candidacy”. The NYT said it was standing by its story.
The allegations come less than a week after a video shot in 2005 emerged which showed Mr Trump making obscene remarks about groping women.
He apologised for the comments – which were widely condemned – but described them as “locker-room talk”.
Calling the NYT story disturbing, Hillary Clinton’s campaign said it “sadly fits everything we know about the way Donald Trump has treated women”.
The New York Times published accounts from two women, Jessica Leeds and Rachel Crooks.
Ms Leeds, now 74, said that when she was 38 she sat next to Mr Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. Once airborne, he lifted the armrest and began to touch her.
“He was like an octopus… his hands were everywhere,” said Ms Leeds. “It was an assault.”
Rachel Crooks said she was kissed on the lips by Mr Trump outside a lift in Trump Tower when she was a 22-year-old receptionist at a real estate company there.
“It was so inappropriate,” Ms Crooks said. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”
In People magazine, writer Natasha Stoynoff said an incident took place in December 2005, when she went to interview the Trumps ahead of their first wedding anniversary.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump has rejected a slew of accusations of sexual misconduct, telling supporters in Florida they are “totally and absolutely false”.
The Republican presidential nominee said the women making the allegations were “horrible liars” and the media was colluding with rival Hillary Clinton. Several women say he groped them or forcibly kissed them.
First Lady Michelle Obama earlier said Mr Trump’s boasts about groping women were “shocking and demeaning”. “Leaders should meet a basic standard of human decency,” she said during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire.