Trump fires back: ‘Hillary has to go to jail’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally on Thursday in San Jose.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally on Thursday in San Jose.
AP, San Jose :
Hours after Hillary Clinton called him “unfit” to represent the nation’s interests around the world, Donald Trump lambasted his likely Democratic presidential rival in his own Thursday speech in California.
Among other barbs, Trump called her “pathetic” and vowed that if he wins the presidency he would investigate whether she broke the law by using a private email for official business when she was secretary of state.
Speaking to a crowd of a few thousand people at a convention center here, Trump repeatedly trashed Clinton’s foreign policy speech in San Diego earlier in the day. At first, Trump called her speech “sad” and so boring that it nearly put him to sleep. “It was so sad to watch,” he declared.
But Clinton’s remarks clearly touched a nerve with the presumptive Republican nominee, who kept returning to the subject again and again throughout his 45-minute appearance here.
He repeatedly accused Clinton of “lying” about his foreign policy proposals, including his previous suggestion to the New York Times and other news organizations that Japan be allowed to have nuclear weapons – which he now denies saying. “She lies so much,” Trump insisted.
In response, he accused Clinton of cozying up to President Obama and his policies so that she would avoid being prosecuted for the email scandal, which he called an embarrassment.
“Remember Hillary Clinton used to hate Obama? … Now it’s, ‘Yes, sir, Mr. President, sir,'” Trump said. “Anything Obama wants, she’s going forward with. Because you know why? She doesn’t want to go to jail.”
Trump called it a “disgrace to the United States” that Clinton was allowed to continue to run for president. “If I win,” he told the crowd here, he would ask the attorney general he appoints to “take a very good look at it from a fair standpoint.”