Trump calls for tougher sanctions on N Korea

Al Jazeera News :
US President Donald Trump has called for tougher sanctions against North Korea after it test-fired a ballistic missile on Sunday.
The missile was fired from the region of Kusong, northwest of Pyongyang, where North Korea, in February, successfully test-launched an intermediate-range missile.
Multiple sets of UN and US sanctions against North Korea have done little to
deter it from pursuing its nuclear and missile ambitions. N Korea missile launch tests Seoul’s new mission for dialogue “Let this latest provocation serve as a call for all nations to implement far stronger sanctions against North Korea,” the White House said in a brief statement.
The missile impacted “so close to Russian soil … the president cannot imagine that Russia is pleased”, the White House said, adding that North Korea “has been a flagrant menace for far too long”.
The projectile flew more than 700km before landing in the Sea of Japan. Russia’s defence ministry later said the missile landed about 500km from its border and posed no threat.
In April, Trump warned that a “major, major conflict” with the North was possible, but he would prefer a diplomatic outcome to the dispute over its nuclear and missile programmes.