Trump appoints new Security Advisor

John Bolton
John Bolton
AFP, Washington :
US President Trump named ultra hardline Fox News pundit and former UN ambassador John Bolton as his new national security advisor Thursday, ousting embattled army general HR McMaster.
McMaster’s exit is the latest in a string of high-profile departures from the White House that started with national security advisor Michael Flynn and has also included chief of staff Reince Priebus, chief strategist Steve Bannon, economic advisor Gary Cohn and secretary of state Rex Tillerson.
“I am pleased to announce that, effective 4/9/18,
AmbJohn Bolton will be my new National Security Advisor,” Trump said in a tweet. “I am very thankful for the service of General H.R. McMaster who has done an outstanding job & will always remain my friend. There will be an official contact handover on 4/9.”
McMaster had been expected to leave later this year, so his exit was little surprise. But Bolton’s nomination has stunned much of Washington. A vocal advocate of the Iraq war, he has also championed preemptive strikes against North Korea and war with Iran-making him an outlier even among Republicans.