Trump and his followers think of election under martial law: American army is people`s army

With only one month to go until Joe Biden takes office, Donald Trump remains obsessed on his failed bid to overturn the 2020 election results — with his advisors reportedly floating the idea of invoking martial law, triggering outrage and disbelief in the United States, say international media reports.
The idea came up during an extraordinary Oval Office meeting Friday between Trump, members of his team and two of his most discredited outside advisers – lawyer Sydney Powel, a fount of baseless voter fraud theories, and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, whom Trump recently pardoned and who first floated the martial law idea earlier last week.
As reported, the impromptu gathering devolved into a shouting match between his advisers — some of whom were forcefully resisting Powell and Flynn’s outrageous suggestions — but it nevertheless showed how Trump continues to surround himself with sycophants, no matter how crazy their theories are as long as they will benefit him.
However, the possibility of using the military to enforce a second term said to have been emphatically rebuffed by many of his closest advisers, but the fact that it was raised in a chaotic White House meeting on Friday marks a new severe turn in his attempts to defy his defeat.
President Trump, meanwhile, blasted as “fake news” a report that he inquired about an idea from retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to impose martial law during the meeting. “Martial law — Fake News,” Trump tweeted on Saturday. “Just more knowingly bad reporting!”
According to accounts in The New York Times, CNN and The Wall Street Journal, President Trump found time Friday to oversee a turbulent White House meeting to discuss new ways to resist or overturn Biden’s victory — with the idea of deploying the military to assist in his fight raised, before being shot down.
Multiple reports said Trump also considered seizing election machines to inspect them; and naming Sidney Powell, a lawyer for his campaign team who has put forward outlandish conspiracy theories, as a special counsel to keep digging into Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of mass election fraud.
In the meantime, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Army Chief of Staff James McConville, in a statement on Friday, said, “There is no role for the US military in determining the outcome of an American election”.
Just when it appeared that it is impossible for President Trump to revert his election defeat he has gone raving mad. He must have committed serious corruption and shady deals for which he knows he is sure to be jailed once out of White House. It is shocking to see that in America filthy anti-people democracy killers hope to succeed against will of the people. The overwhelming greed for power among outgoing President Trump and some of his crook followers is so damaging for America’s greatness as leader of democracy world over that they must not forgiven.
It is expected that under President Biden’s leadership greatness of America will be restored and America will gain lost honour as world leader of human rights as protected under democracy. Much of human miseries of the world and refugee crisis will be properly addressed if the countries can be saved from the misrule of brutal plunderers.