Commentary: Trump abandoned at the UN again

Editorial Desk :
The UN General Assembly in a rare event this time on Thursday voted US President Donald Trump’s declaration of Jerusalem as capital of Israel null and void and having no effect in the eyes of international law. It took place in a highly tense situation of threat of many consequences including aid cut to countries receiving such aid by Donald Trump only after two days of US veto on a similar draft resolution in the Security Council (SC) calling for rescinding the US declaration on Jerusalem. But it failed to make any big difference.
The UN General Assembly said Trump can’t alter the status of Jerusalem; which will be decided as part of final negotiation of peace process under two states solution between Israel and Palestine. His decision is in contravention to UN conventions and earlier SC resolutions on the status of Jerusalem. It is dangerous to destabilize the Middle East and the observations made by world leaders are right as uprising is spreading in occupied Palestine with the number
of death rising every day from fire by Israeli military.  
The overwhelming vote of 128 supporting the resolution as against 9 against it shows how isolated the USA is now in global politics only due to irresponsible and hectic policies of the ultra-right US President. Those who voted for the USA are mainly Caribbean and Pacific islands not having visibility at global level. It appears the USA is suffering from arrogance of power under a highly deranged President without much bothered to what is good for the US interest and what will degrade the US image to the international community.  
The Turkish Foreign Minister has rightly reminded the full house of the General Assembly that threats and bulling will not work over vast majority of nations with least respect to their national interest. But the US representative Nikki Haley said no matter what it comes, the UN decision would make no difference to US policy on Jerusalem. It will however surely make difference in the US policies and attitude towards the world body to suggest the USA will retaliate.
In her words, member countries have shown disrespect to the USA and it will not forget the humiliation. Nikki Haley is not recognising the oppression and insult meted out by Israel on a regular basis to the Muslims of Palestine. In fact, Israel has been armed by America to be a nuclear country only to punish the Muslims of the Middle East. She also have failed to take into consideration how helpful the Muslim countries have been to America.
She made the renewed threat after her earlier threat that the USA will take names of those countries, which will vote for the resolution failed to stop the bulk of the members to vote for the resolution. Her threat also presumably includes cutting financial contributions to UN budget. Trump has already withdrawn from UNESCO cutting the annual contributions and more such steps may now follow. By all indications the USA is folding back from its role as world leader under President Trump and only Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one praising him saying the UN is a ‘House of Lies’ and he is a hero.
Isreal is being used against Muslim countries, but Israel is not helpful to America’s greatness. Netanyahu is condemned by world for committing genocide against the Muslims.
We are happy that the Muslim countries and the world at large have been able to take a position against President Trump’s anti-Muslim policy towards Palestine.
