Truck driver, helper held with 7400 yaba pills

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
Members of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) detained the driver and helper of a truck along with 7,400 pieces yaba tablets from a rubber garden at Purbo Nuna Chhari in Ramu upazila on Thursday night.
The detainees were identified as driver Md Ibrahim, 25, son of Siddique Ahmed of Goelmara Palonkhali
village in Ukhia and helper Md Shahidul Islam, 21, son of Md Sikander of Machunipara village in Tekhnaf.
Acting on secret information, a team of RAB-7 stationed a check post on Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf road near the garden around 10:40 pm and intercepted the truck, said a Rab press release.
The elite force members recovered the contraband yaba tablets from their possession, the release added.
Later, the arrestees were handed over to Ramu Police Station.