No one is allowed to stop: Troops patrol over Padma Bridge

Army personnel frisk a private car on the Padma Bridge as part of security on Monday a day after it was opened for traffic. Agency photo
Army personnel frisk a private car on the Padma Bridge as part of security on Monday a day after it was opened for traffic. Agency photo

Staff Reporter :
The law enforcement agencies have imposed stricter measures since Monday to ensure that the general public abide by the rules laid down while crossing the Padma Bridge.
Motorcycles have not been allowed to enter the bridge since Monday morning and people are not allowed to walk on the bridge.
Videos posted on various television channels and social media on Sunday showed people standing on the side of the road on the bridge. But the situation on Monday was completely different from the picture seen on the bridge on Sunday.
On Monday the road on the bridge was empty. People were seen standing on the bridge, but soon an army patrol vehicle was removing them.
Earlier, the members of Bangladesh Army have started patrolling the Padma Bridge to maintain law and order in the bridge area.
Rashedul Amin, assistant director of Inter Service Public Relation (ISPR) Directorate, termed the patrolling as per their regular duty. Pedestrians were also banned from moving on foot on Padma Bridge alongside the motorcycles, he said. Despite the ban, many came to cross the bridge on motorcycles, but all of them were turned away. However, after the ban motorcycles cross the river by ferry.
On Monday morning, a ferry with more than a hundred motorcycles left Shimulia Ghat.
