Tributes paid to Everest conqueror Sajal


Speakers at a memorial meeting on Wednesday paid rich tributes to Mount Everest conqueror Sajal Khaled at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) here. Mountaineer Sajal Khaled died on his way down Mount Everest a few hours after successfully climbing the summit on May 20, 2013. Chaired by Everest Conqueror MA Muhit, the discussion was addressed by First Bangladeshi Everest Conqueror Nishat Majumdar Sajal Khaled’s school teacher Zahirul Rashid and architect Shamim Aminur Rahman, among others. MA Muhit, also President of Mountaineering Association of Bangladesh (MAB), urged to recognize mountaineering as a sport and including MAB under Ministry of Sports. First Bangladeshi Everest Conqueror Nishat Majumdar said Sajal Khaled loved the country and its people very much so that he returned to the country leaving his life in Germany. He dreamt of building a prosperous society for the young generation. Sajal Khaled, known as Mohammed Khaled Hossain, was the 5th Bangladeshi to reach the summit of Mount Everest. He reached the summit on May 21, 2013 and hoisted flag of Bangladesh on the apex of the world. Descending from Mount Everest he died. The accident might have occurred a few hours after he had reached the peak. Sajal was also the director of the movie “Kajoler Dinratri”. For making this movie he got the national grant in 2012 and it was released in 2013. Beside this full-length movie, he had also made several documentary films. Among them Ekattorer Shobdoshena, Bangladesh, The Land of Smiles, and A Climatic report from Bangladesh are the most notable ones.
