Trial of Saif Ali Khan assault case to start by November


After the controversy over the revoking of Padma Shri honour of Saif Ali Khan, the assault case which was charged against the actor in 2012 seems to have taken yet another turn. After completing the pre-trial formalities, it seems now the trial will start by November when the first witness will be summoned.
According to public prosecutor Wajid Sheikh, the court has given a copy of the CCTV footage of the day of assault to the accused as per their request. The said incident had taken place at a plush restaurant in South Mumbai where actor Saif Ali Khan and his friends had got into a tussle with an NRI and his father-in-law.
According to the police authorities, Saif Ali Khan who had visited the restaurant with actress girlfriend Kareena Kapoor and his other friends were making too much noise and a Dubai based businessman Iqbal Mir Sharma had asked to reduce it which led to a fight between the businessman and Saif. However, Saif had given a different version stating that the businessman had misbehaved with the girls in his group and Saif had lost control over his temper because of it.  -Agency
