Transport strike starts in Barishal, Sylhet Divn protesting new Road Transport Act

Barishal Correspondent :
Workers and owners of passenger and goods carrying road transports continued strike for indefinite period from Tuesday morning in different routes of six districts under Barishal Division protesting recently executed Road Transport Act (RTA).
Jahangir Hossain, secretary Barishal Bus Workers Union, said workers did not want to run any road transport due to newly executed road transport act.
The road transport workers declared that they will continue their strike until the amendments of some sections the enacted law are made.
Daily at least 180 buses on 18 local routes and 250 buses on 17 long route including Barishal-Dhaka -Barishal scheduled to ply from Barishal Nathullabad bus terminal, he added. But the road transport workers protesting the Road Transport Act (RTA)-2018 demanding cancellation of this act shut down all passenger carrier buses and goods laden trucks through Barishal central bus and truck terminals in Nathullabad area of the city causing immense sufferings to the commuters and consumers.
Md. Abdullah Khan , one of the bus drivers of Barishal-Dhaka- Barishal route, said they abstained from driving vehicles as if anybody dies in any accident on road, as per newly imposed act, workers of that road transport would be trialed under the case of murder with capital punishment and long term rigorous imprisonment.
Begum Lutfunnesa, one of passenger waiting at the terminal trying to go Khulna, said sudden bus strike causing sufferings for her. Not only passenger carrying buses, but plying of goods laden trucks, also stopped from Tuesday early morning, said Anwar Hossain, leader of truck workers association.