Transport strike in Thakurgaon

Staff Reporter :
Transport workers in Thakurgaon continued their strike for the third consecutive day on Saturday while an indefinite transport strike began in Sylhet district yesterday disrupting road link of the districts with rest of the country
Many people, who came to the Thakurgaon and Sylhet districts bus stands for going their respective
destinations yesterday were seen returning to their houses or looking for alternative option.
Transport strike on Thakurgaon-Dhaka and other parts of the country in the last three days caused immense sufferings to the passengers.
However, Sylhet District Bus-Minibus Workers’ Union who called the strike yesterday morning protesting police action on them, withdrew afternoon.  
Thakurgaon Bus-Minibus Workers’ Union called the strike protesting illegal toll collection from buses.
They also threatened to continue their indefinite strike yesterday if their demands are not met.
 “We have enforced the strike protesting illegal toll collection. We also demanded immediate steps to stop extortion and harassment of transport workers,” District Motor Owners’ Association General Secretary Belal Hossain told local newsmen.
In Sylhet the District Bus, Truck Workers’ Union enforced the strike yesterday as police beat the workers for their alleged involvement in drug peddling.
Since morning 6am to till 3pm, road communications between Sylhet and rest of the country was suspended.
 “We have enforced the strike as police arrested our four workers,” Transport workers President Selim Ahmed said.