Employees passing inhuman life: Transport owners demand Tk 5000cr incentive from govt


Syed Shemul Parvez :
The second wave of corona has caused huge losses to the transport sector in the lockdown.
It is learned that the debt burden has become greater than the fear of corona infection to transport owners.
As a result, they have become frustrated about their daily livelihood. Many transport owners are also going bankrupt.
In this situation, four demands have been placed for the public transport sector.
Ramesh Chandra Ghosh, Chairman of the Bangladesh Bus Truck Owners Association, said this in a press conference at Bagbari in the capital’s Gabtoli on Thursday.
Ahead of Eid, to start public transport in accordance with strict health rules, a demand was also presented at the press conference.
The Chairman of the organization said that at least 20 million passengers generally use public transport by road every day.
In the second phase of lockdown since April 5 to prevent corona infection, the owners-workers and the families of the employees are living an inhuman life.
In this circumstance, Ramesh Chandra Ghosh raised a four-point demands for the public transport sector saying that even though public transport is closed in lockdown, the related expenses
of transport management are still running.
The demands are:
1. Tk five thousand crore incentives for payment of employees’ salaries, Eid-bonus and repairing of the vehicles of the transport owner affected by the outbreak of Covid-19.
2. Interest waiver of all loan banks, financial institutions and privately owned entities against investment in public transport business will have to be deferred till June 30 and the loan account will not be classified till June 30.
3. Public transport owners should have the opportunity to update all classified loans with one percent down payment.
4. The transport owners and the workers are appealing to the government that they should be given opportunity to resume transport service immediately as per given health rules.
The government first imposed strict restrictions from April 5 to 11 to avoid public gatherings in response to the second wave of corona. Later, the ban was extended till April 13.
However, at that time government and private offices, factories and public transport were also in operation.
The government then went on an overall lockdown from April 14, shutting down public transport and shops. As per the latest directive of the government, public transport will remain closed till May 5.
