Transfer business in PWD alleged

Ministry orders for pause

Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
The Ministry of Housing and Public Works imposed a pause on any new transfer and posting of PWD officials amid allegations of ‘transfer business’ by the outgoing PWD Chief Engineer.
It came up with the directive on Tuesday, asking the PWD Chief Engineer to take immediate steps to stop the ongoing ‘hasty’ transfer within the department.
The Chief Engineer issued transfer orders of 645 officials of the department in the last eleven months.
Among them, 76 are executive engineer, 144 sub-divisional engineers, 112 assistant engineers and 313 sub-assistant engineers.
Insiders alleged the Chief Engineer issued the orders for minting money prior to his preparatory leave retirement (PLR).
“We have asked the PWD high-ups to bring to a halt on any new transfer and posting of their officials amid allegations of irregulatories,” Md Shahidullah Khandaker, Secretary for the Ministry, told The New Nation on Wednesday.
He said, the Ministry has asked the PWD chief to stop the transfer and posting until further notice.
When asked, Shahidullah Khandaker said, the issue came to our knowledge from media reports and we have already launched an internal probe into the matter.
“We were fed up with frequent transfers and change in the postings of officials in the department. All these have done for money and our big bosses are involved in this process,” an official of PWD told The New Nation on Wednesday.
“Our chief engineer issued at least 700 transfer orders this year creating a disorder within the PWD offices across the country. It also creates an uneasy situation at the PWD headquarters in Dhaka affecting the department’s its administrative and day to day work,” he said.
He also said that they did immense harm to our department and the government should order an inquiry to find the perpetrators behind the act.
The PWD Chief Engineer is accused of managing a fake freedom freighters certificate for getting his job extended.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has already launched an investigation into the matter as well as his alleged corruption in the department.
Earlier, the Ministry formed a three member probe body in connection with the protest and demonstration rally at the PWD headquarters.
A group of PWD officials reported to be the supporters of the outgoing Chief Engineer Hafizur Rahman Tipu Munshi organised the rally defying an order in this regard by the ministry.
They staged the rally at the PWD headquarters premises.
Kader Chowdhury, SE, Circle-1, Dhaka, has asked the PDW employees and officials to remain present at the protest and demonstration rally through SMS by his cell phone.
The SMS reads, “For protecting the image of PWD, all employees are earnestly requested to attend the protest and demonstration function in the PWD area tomorrow (Sunday) at 10 AM.” When asked, Kader Chowdhury told The New Nation yesterday that he was busy and not ready to talk with the matter.
“They held the programme defying the ministry’s ban on it which is a ‘breach of disciplinary and regulatory code of conduct’. We will take next course of action after getting the report,” Md Shahidullah Khandaker said.
Hafizur Rahman Tipu Munshi, could not be reached for comments despite several attempts on his cell phone.