Training workshop at SUB with British Council support


Chittagong Bureau :

 A workshop on ‘Staff Training’ was held at the Conference Room of Southern University Bangladesh (SUB) on Saturday jointly organized by British Council and the university.
Mirza Tarique Beg Trainer of British Council was the chief facilitator at the workshop. Head of Business Administration Department, Ishrat Jahan presided over the program while Pro-Vice chancellor Prof Dr Sharifuzzaman inaugurated the workshop as chief guest.
Resource Centre Officer of Chittagong British Council Masudul Alam was also present in the workshop.
Pro-VC Prof Dr Sharifuzzaman spoke on the importance of staff training. He urged the authority to organize this kind of training workshop on a regular basis. Ishrat Jahan highlighted the importance of English learning and expressed his satisfaction for organizing the training workshop.
 The training workshop focused on the need of skill development in speaking and writing skills. There were about 25 Staff took part in the daylong workshop.
Mohammad Hasan, Lecturer of Business Administration Department of SUB coordinated and designed the workshop.
