Training on cyber crime investigation held at BUBT

Prof Md. Abu Saleh, Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology addressing the inauguration of a daylong training session on Cyber Crime Investigation Techniques for Bangladesh Police" organized by the Department of Computer Scien
Prof Md. Abu Saleh, Vice Chancellor of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology addressing the inauguration of a daylong training session on Cyber Crime Investigation Techniques for Bangladesh Police" organized by the Department of Computer Scien
Campus Report :
A daylong training on “Cyber Crime Investigation Techniques for Bangladesh Police” organized by the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) was held on Saturday at its permanent campus, Mirpur in the capital. Thirty-six Sub-Inspectors from Seven Police Stations under Mirpur Division including an Officer In-charge (OC) attended the training.
Prof Md. Abu Saleh, Vice Chancellor of BUBT, inaugurated the workshop and thanked Dhaka Metropolitan Police and all participants for attending the training. He said, “In Banglaesh, people are being empowered due to increasing Internet activities, at the same time, there is a big concern about Cyber Crimes, Law enforcement agencies should be more knowledgeable about how to investigate Cyber Crimes”.
Tanvir Hassan Zoha, Cyber Crime Investigation expert and consultant of Crime Research and Analysis Foundation – CRAF, conducted the Training as the Keynote Speaker. Tanvir Hassan Zoha highlighted, if police officers can investigate Cyber Crime themselves, justice might be in more progress, and people can trust more Police Department’. Zoha also remarked, crimes through Social Networking Websites can be investigated easily by simple tools; police should learn them.
 He trained the participants about the various techniques to identify cyber criminals in his valuable presentation during the sessions.
Maksudul Islam, prominent IT expert, also spoke at the training. Prof Mian Lutfar Rahman, Proctor, BUBT, Dr Harun Or-Rashid, Registrar, BUBT were present as special guests. Prof Ameerr Ali, Chairman of CSE Department, BUBT was present at the program. AHM Azmal Hossain, Joint Registrar, BUBT also was present in the sessions. At the end of training session Honorable VC of BUBT Prof. Md. Abu Saleh handed over certificates among the participants.