Training benefits both employees and organizations


Mohammad Mosaddek Hussain :
Every organizations have a a goal whether it is to earn profit or to provide services to the citizens with a view to contributing to the growth of national economy. But on the other hand, the management of the organizations have to plan and formulate procedures to mange its activities by a group of employees of different levels those are responsible to achieve their own objectives through a group of colleagues, support staff , subordinates and stakeholders of the organization as well as money, machine, person power and management methods. Deploying of employees is not only the key for achieving goal. Trained employees, job s respect, developed organizational culture, employee oriented rules and regulations and a highly equipped training cell with enough resources are highly effective to this end of stable success in the years to come. So, it is well-grasped that a group of trained employees and skilled human resources are the drivers of success for an organization. To this end view I would like to highlight here the significance and values of training in the process of developing employees to attain the set goal of the organizations.
Once the organisations get established with certain business objectives, it survives and thrive because they sell products and services to customers and earn profit . Due to rapid globalization and speedy competition that have increased the demand for organizations to continually provide excellent products and services for the consumers and citizens. Business performance depends largely upon how well the product or service is effective and need-based for the users. Frankly speaking that the only satisfied, motivated, skilled and trained employees can produce quality products or provide quality service to the customers and consumers as well.
It is obvious that many organisations provide their employees various types of need-based training opportunities to develop their job skills within the organisation structure, but in reality few has been focused upon employee training for organisations’ efficiency and performance. On the other hand, performance oriented market; frequently changing environment and globalization that are influencing the workplace structure and leading to increased reliance on employee skills for providing and ensuring best products and efficient services. Employees those are untrained and unskilled, to deal with the advanced management methods and techniques cannot be able to work towards the better performance. Studies show that this type of issue is one of the most important topics in business management studies throughout the academic arena and research. As an outcome, though this concept is now well perceived and is increasingly affecting the field of management. It has proved particularly valuable for those organisations who seek better performance.
This article highlights the value and importance of training and development of employees in ensuring organisational performance through innovative training programmes.
Identify the process on how the training can develop skills of employees.
Study and analyse various books, magazines, journals and manuals on training and its techniques to raise employee’s skills
Identify the real issues of various factors of environment and work place and their effect.
Analyze current organisational structure and working methods and its practises (such as procedures, policies, and standards in the company.
Explore training methods and related resources available.
Examine and evaluate the impact of training on workforce satisfaction.
Highlight and summarize the findings of training and relate them in the context of business performance.
Last but not the least, provide recommendations for future planning
Record the impacts of various training programmes and analyze the same in different forums for further development in the future.
Regular discussion on the impact of various employee training programmes.
Ensure participation of the relevant employees for obtaining their views
Always follow-up on the progress of performance of employees and record these for future planning and reference
Design a techniques and tools for proper evaluation of performance of employees.
It was proved that the organisations can increase performance and productivity by providing their staff with appropriate skills, knowledge and raise capability through training and continuous development programme. If suitable training and proper care is given to development of employees, they can prove beneficial for the organizations by working more effectively and efficiently by the whole-hearted support of the management.
Companies and organisations those apply outdated and inadequate techniques and methods in the training programme may be successful in certain cases but , those cannot work on their business situations for full swing of progress. Not only that , some of them may often ignore more latest system of training and their business environmental and cultural requirements as per need. In order to improve or increase their business performance, organisations will need to adapt new and latest techniques and skills that can impact training and development of employees efficiently and successfully for avhieving goal of the organization in the stipulated time..
We need to plan and discuss the training issues to find out the real effect of different training programmes on organisational performance and level of expected outcome. Organizations. Training cell or division should discuss and critically analyse training and development of employees, its demand in changing nature of the organisation and impact of environmental and other important factors on training and development. At the same time clear and thorough explanations on training methods, approach, delivery style, materials, and types of skills are also to be considered before implementation of training programmes. Besides, training evaluation method, techniques are to be decided on careful discussion with the relevant trainers and consultants and its needs to be analyzed critically and clearly. To this end, trainers’ and relevant officers views on training and development of employees and linked them with organisation performance and other related factors such as method of exerting training skills, time-table, , and to evaluate all the information gathered. An appropriate training evaluation
To sustain in the ever growing competitive and changing environment, it is critical for any organisation to perform better by satisfying the needs of the customers and value their attitude. Needless to say that globalization has been growing rapidly and the demand for organizations to provide excellent products and services as business performance depends largely upon it. Only satisfied, motivated and trained employees can produce quality products or provide quality services to the customers. Growing competition and changing nature of technical jobs and services made employee training very crucial for the survival of any business nowadays. It is evident that the requirements of skills development of employees differs from business to business and industry to industry (Bratton and Gold, 2001). This issue is one of the most important topics in business management studies. This concept is now well established and is increasingly affecting the field of management. It has proved particularly valuable for those organisations who seek better performance and rapid growth in the globalized markets.
As Bramley’s (2003) told once, training involves learning and educating employee to achieve the result in things being done by the trained employees. He further explains that training is a crucial process that is planned to facilitate learning so that people can become more effective in carrying out aspects of their work. Besides, opined by the CIPD, Training is expected to equip employees to help them become strategically unique, in addition to the provision of skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to achieve operational efficiency. At the same time, it increases capability for performing tasks properly and methodically for bringing set result. CIPD also emerged ‘Training that, is a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behaviour through learning experience to achieve effective performance’ (Wilson, 2006). The ‘Employee Development is a process for preparing employees for future job responsibilities. This may include formal and informal training, education, mentoring, coaching etc’ (Armstrong, 2008).
Although the term, education, training and development are often linked, these address slightly different needs. Education deals with the hierarchally structured and chronologically graded. And it denoted formal education but it has many components that always relevant to training and development. On the other hand, Training focuses on learning the necessary skills and acquiring the knowledge required to perform the job. It deals with the design and delivery of learning to improve organization performance. On the other hand, development focuses on the preparation needed for future jobs; it should be considered investment in the work force since its benefits are long term (Armstrong, 2006). Training also sometimes called as management development or executive development.
In the current business situation, need-based and effective training is paramount for survival and growth of a business in the competitive market. Training is not just about developing people but helping them to become more confident and capable in their jobs as well as in their lives (Wilson, 2006). The significance and value of training has long been recognized everywhere. Because only trained persons/employees can be responsible to bring positive outcome so they are the valuable human asset for any organization or companies The need for training is more importance and price value in today’s business climate and the growth in technology which affects the economy and society in many ways. Employee is trained to assure that current or future needs of the organization are to be met by these trained employees to run the organization in the right track and bring its stability for the future .
Researchers, writers and experts have recognised the importance of training as fundamental for management (Bratton and Gold, 2003). Keep (1989 cited by Redman and Wilkinson, 2006) describes training and development as litmus test against which other characteristics of management practice can be measured. Benefits of training and development include: increased job satisfaction and develop morale among employees, employee motivation, increase confident to work, increased efficiency and effectiveness, increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods, increased innovation in strategies and products, reduced employee turnover, enhanced company image, risk management and ensuring of stability of the organization as a whole. The need-based right employee training at the right time provides big pay offs for the employer in increased productivity, knowledge, loyalty, and contribution. Training allows the organisation to develop and promote its own culture and innovation. Training also allows organisations to adapt to changes in the business environment and can be used as a change agent to change organisational culture. Training is a tool that can improve organisational effectiveness, especially in the current competitive markets. Training and development helps in optimizing the development of human resource that helps the employee to achieve the individual as well as organisational goals (Benson, 2006). Training increases the job skills and latest knowledge of employees at all levels and expands the horizons of their intellect and their personality. Training and development helps in indicating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter team collaborations. It also aids the organisations to get more effective in decision making and problem solving. It also helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers usually display (Armstrong, 2008) (Bratton and Gold, 2003) (Pont, 2003) (Price, 2007).
Moreover, trained employees are the keys of the development of the organization. To that end in view, the MNCs and leading organizations always establish a training division/cell or effective training section for planning yearly training, maintain a calendar of training for different types of employees and need-based training programmes for the interest of the development and to ensure stability and continuous growth of the organization as a whole. Training activities of organizations nowadays is grasped as the major investment for developing organization and employees as well that can put far-reaching positive impact in the years to come.
