Trainee ACs place wreaths at Bangabandhu’s Mazar


BSS, Dhaka :
A batch of 67 assistant commissioners (ACs), who are participating in training in the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) Administration Academy, in their first study tour visited Tungipara of Gopalganj recently. Accompanied by the faculty members of the academy, they paid rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by placing a wreath at his mazar there.
They also offered Fateha at the mazar seeking eternal peace of the departed soul of Bangabandhu, a press release of the BCS Administration Academy said here on Friday.
The trainee assistant commissioners later visited
“Bangabandhu Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development Academy” in Kotalipara and were apprised of its overall activities in reducing poverty in the greater Faridpur region.
