Tragedy at ex-Mayor’s qulkhwani

NO sooner had the death of popular Chittagong City former Mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury early this week left the city dwellers utterly devastated, the tragedy at his post burial qulkhwani in which over 11 people were killed in stampede and hundred others injured left the city to mourn so many more deaths again. Chowdhury will be remembered for his people oriented politics as a long time Awami League leader in the Port City. We mourn his death. But this tragedy will also haunt many for years linking it to his memories.
People always look at the circumstances why such tragedy takes place after the happening. It was invariably preventable if one could properly visualize risks of gathering big crowd. Poor management of the crowd resulted into the stampede in the narrow entrance. Had there been proper policing and other security guards disciplining the crowd, it could avoid the incident. But once such tragedy happened, there is nothing to gain from it except lessons for others in the future. Investigation committee has been formed but had there been prior-inspection of the community center where the tragedy took place, so many lives perhaps could be saved. News media report said entrance to Rima Convention Centre in the Port City’s Askar Dighir Par area is too narrow and police and other law enforcers could only prevent the incident with far sight.
Chowdhury’s family arranged doa mahfil and feast for common people at 14 community centers on Monday in the Port City and invitees included Hindus, Christians and Buddhists who were offered special dish in this particular community center. Local said it has hardly 4,000 sitting capacity while over 10,000 people crowded there. The incident happened on the eyes of police and bystanders and it was so quick that none can be of any help once people started to fall under the stampede.
The only good news is that the family and ruling party man immediately announced compensation to the families of the deceased, although such compensation is meaningless when it comes about paying against death. They said every dead person’s family will get Taka one lakh while the district administration will give Tk 25,000 to every grieving families. Injured will get Tk 5,000 each and free treatment. Chowdhury’s family is most powerful and one of the wealthiest family of the Port City. It is heartening that they have come with the financial package for the poor but it will be difficult to erase the stigma that has fallen upon them. We know that death from such stampede often takes place during Eid-ul-Fitr when rich businessmen distribute clothes to the poor. But death from attending feast is unimaginable which has turned the festivity into a gathering of sobbing. We convey our sympathy to the families of every dead person and pray their soul be at rest in peace.