Traffic jam may spread to upazilas if AL is in power for another term


News Desk :
If Awami League remains in power for another five years, you will see traffic jam even in upazilas, said LGRD Minister Md Tajul Islam on Wednesday.
Since the Awami League came to power in 2009, the country’s economic development has been going on and so private cars have increased on the roads, he said, reports UNB.
He came up with the remarks in response to a criticism of BNP MP Harunur Rashid over traffic congestion in the capital.
Participating in the discussion on the Zila Parishad (Amendment) Bill-2022, Harun said, “Dhaka has become a static city at present. You (Awami League) is in power for fifteen years in a row, but Dhaka city is now in a sorry state. “
He said Dhaka city has become an unlivable city due to noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution, mosquito menace and catastrophe in waste management.
He said unplanned urbanization is going to turn not only Dhaka but the whole of Bangladesh into an uninhabitable country.
Harun said that it takes three hours to go to the Secretariat from home. Fasting people cannot come to their homes to break their fast during Iftar time due to huge traffic on roads.
“When Tarabi’s prayers are offered in the mosques, the prayers are being interrupted due to bike of mosquitoes.”
Harun wanted to know what steps the government has taken to reduce such sufferings of people.
“If Allah saves Awami League for another term, then you will see that there will be traffic jam even in the upazilas,” he expressed his high hopes.
Tajul Islam said that everyone is moving to Dhaka as people are becoming self-sufficient financially. This has happened all over the world including in London, Tokyo and Kolkata.
“They have managed it. We are also working on it. The Prime Minister has given instructions. I was made the president of Detailed Area Plan. I am considering many issues there.”
