Traffic jam causes Tk 2,724 cr loss a year

Staff Reporter :
Traffic congestion in Dhaka eats up about Tk 2,724 crore worth of fuel, work hours and such others a year, said a study.
Per day estimated loss is Tk 227 crore.
BRAC University carried out the study.
The findings of the study were revealed at a function held at the BRAC University on Tuesday.
The study estimates the congestion costs by analysing travel time cost, cost of excess fuel burnt, revenue loss by passenger transport operators, environmental damage and
cost of traffic accidents.
Traffic congestion in Dhaka is taking huge toll on the economy, but no effective step has been taken so far by the authorities concerned to ease the gridlock, according to the study.
 “Traffic congestion in capital Dhaka causes a loss of about Tk 227 crore a day affecting daily movement of over 70 per cent of city residents,” it added.
Lack of transport infrastructure, poor traffic management, illegal car parking, too little footpath and pedestrians’ facility and absence of separate lanes for car, bus and other vehicles are mainly responsible for the city’s nagging traffic jam, said the study.