Traffic jam causes major public sufferings in Port City

Chattogram Bureau :
Trafic jam is not a new phenomenon in Chattogram city which only getting acute of late. It has become a common scene in different parts of the city ever since migrations started from the rural areas. With the increase in number of migrants, the city experienced a huge rush of rickshaws and also motorized vehicles resulting in unexpected jam on the city roads. Chattogram, the port city, has been smarting under severe traffic congestion. In the last few years things have took a serious turn.
Experts blamed inadequate public vehicles like city service buses, lack of parking places, shortage of roads, encroachment on footpaths by hawkers and shopkeepers, poor coordination of concerned agencies including Chittagong Development Authority, Chittagong Metropolitan Police and Chittagong City Corporation as the prime causes of the traffic congestion in Chattogram.Long tailbacks of traffic for hours on end have made civic life in the Chittagong port city miserable.
Most of the city roads remain clogged with vehicles making the city dwellers’ journey to their destinations more taxing.