Traders fined for illegal food stocks in Bhangura


Bhangura (Pabna) Correspondent :
A mobile court on Monday noon fined a food trader Tk 10,000 for illegally stockpiling rice at Baralbridge marke at Bhangura municipalityt of Pabna . His name is Haji Khairul Islam. Upazila Food Controller Ainin Afroz confirmed the news. It is learned that some food traders of the upazila are creating artificial food crisis in the market by stockpiling paddy and rice. For this reason, the Food Department headed by Executive Magistrate Bipasha Hossain conducted a mobile court on Monday. Upazila Food Controller Ainin Afroz said that according to the Essential Commodities Act-1956, the trader was fined for trading food without a license.
