Trade union registration goes online

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Bangladesh government, with the support of UN labour agency, ILO, has launched online registration system for trade unions and trade union federations.
The ILO in a statement on Thursday said workers wishing to register new unions were now being encouraged to apply online.
The Department of Inspections for Factories and Establishments’ website – – is currently hosting the system.
It will be switched over to the Department of Labour’s website in future.
Paper-based submissions would also continue in order “to maximize the ability of worker groups to file applications”, the ILO said.
The labour rights groups, international buyers and the UN have been stressing on trade union formation in Bangladesh since 2013 after the worst ever building collapse that killed more than 1,100 workers in Savar.
ILO Country Director for Bangladesh Srinivas Reddy said the online system “should bring more transparency and accountability in processing trade union registrations”.