Tourism Industry

Pragmatic Policy And Govt Patronization Needed

Arif Ahammed :
Love for the motherland is innate in every human being. That inner love stimulates the hunger for knowing the motherland and enjoying its eye-catching beauties. Bangladesh is such a beautiful land that many poems and verses are written by famous people in their literature describing this beauty. We have many tourist spots in our country. It is worth mentioning that many of those spots are not visited by the local tourists due to lack of knowledge about those. People of Bangladesh always love to watch the beauty of nature. Actually, they are mad about it.
It is, at the same time, a matter of great hope for us because we have a great potential in our tourism sector. Almighty bestowed us with the world’s longest sea beach. We have the largest mangrove forest in the world. We have the Saint Martin’s Island (coral island) that is a rare beauty. We have also got Khagrachhari, Rangamati and Bandorban hilly beauties. These are just a few of the tourist attractions in Bangladesh. We have many more tourist attractions in our lovely motherland that is why it is recognized as the queen of the beauty of all countries.
Tourism in our country has a very bright future. Unfortunately, still we have to use the term “future”. Still, we could not turn that future in the present one. According to different sources, revenue from our tourism sector has steeply risen during the last few years. It has created big employment opportunity for the people of Bangladesh, especially for those where employment has been a real crisis. Moreover, tours and travels bring us the immense opportunity to know the beloved motherland, its people, culture, the heritage that enrich our mind and foster an educated love for the very own country.
Though we have a huge scope to develop this sector, unfortunately we are not doing well. The main problems, as I think, are the lack of patronisation and proper utilisation of resources. Hundreds of thousands of tourists from Bangladesh are visiting neighbouring countries each year causing a huge loss of remittance that is keeping our tourism sector backwards. According to the report of various national journals, about 600,000 tourists visited abroad on the occasion of the Eid-Ul-Fitr this year. This could be an inside tour giving us a huge remittance.
It is a matter of utmost shock that many of the tourists who visit abroad to enjoy the beauty of nature have never seen the beauty of the mighty sea of Cox’s Bazar or the breathtaking beauty of St. Martin’s Island. I personally know many of my friends who have never visited the main tourist attractions of the country, are rushing to the acquisition of visa India or Nepal for the purpose of tour. This implies a rooted negligence toward the motherland or the lack of knowledge among these people about how beautiful (!!!) our motherland is.
To motivate the native people to tour inside the country is a real challenge for the authorities concerned right now. Huge initiatives regarding publicity and advertising are needed to be undertaken by the authorities. Roads and Highways are to be improved. Safety measures are to be raised in the tourist spots.
Moreover, some decorations and preservations in the tourist spots providing better environment are crying needs. National dailies and Television channels also have to come up with a helping hand to make ours a giant tourist industry in the world. Last but not least, every individual who loves tour and travels should vow to watch the unending beauty of their motherland at first.

(Arif Ahammed, Lecturer of Accounting, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal)
