Tough action against irregularities in rice distribution


Food Minister Quamrul Islam on Sunday warned of tough punitive actions against irregularities in distributing rice among poor at a cost of Taka 10 per kilogram under a nationwide campaign opened by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina last month.
“Strict punitive actions will be taken against officials to be found involved in any irregularity in distributing food among the target people . . . the dealer will see them landing in jail if involved in corruption,” he told a food officials conference at the Food Department.
He added: “We want 100 per cent transparency in implementing the Food Friendly Programme . . . strict vigilance has been enforced for its success.”
The Prime Minister opened the campaign on September 7 at Chilmari upazila in Kurigram under the government’s social safety net programme with an aim to provide the staple food at a lower price among 50 lakh ultra poor families across the country for five months of the year.
The minister said the government would revise the policy if anomalies were found but “no irregularities will be tolerated in preparing the list of target people”.
“The excuse of manpower shortfall will not be acceptable . . . the food dealers will see them landing in jail if any allegation emerge against them,” he said.
Director General of the Department of Food M Badrul Hasan presided over the meeting while Food Secretary A M Badruddoza spoke as the special guest.
The food secretary said the programe under a government plan the programme would continue till 2030 for safeguarding the ultra poor population.
Cardholders selected by local representatives would get 30 kilograms of rice at cheaper price every month through village ration dealers.
They will get 30 kg rice in March, April, September, October and November every year while the months were selected in view of non-availability of work for day-labourers.
Officials familiar with the programme said the food department would supply 7.50 lakh tonnes rice under the programme and around 30 per cent ultra poor people across the country will be benefited through the campaign.
Regional and divisional food control officials including senior Food Ministry officials also spoke on the occasion.
