Torun Turkey crosses 25


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Few days ago, Ntv has started to air a new serial titled Torun Turkey casting some promising actors. After airing the serial which was scripted and directed by Imraul Rafat within very short days it has already attracted the attention of young generation.
Director Rafat is trying to cast maximum number of younger performers in the serial. The actors who are acting in this serial everybody’s role is significant.
While talking about the serial actor Naim told this correspondent, “In the serial, I am acting in role of Agun. We who are acting in this serial are trying to give our level best efforts while working. Story of patriotism gets priority in Torun Turkey. I believe the viewers who will watch this serial their patriotism about the country will be increased more.”
Actress Nova shared her feelings by this way, “Torun Turkey is one of my acted mentionable serials of present time. From the beginning of the serial I have been working. Its making is nice. We have a better understating who are working in the serial.”
Director Imraul Rafat said, “Main theme of the serial is not only mine but also I have written its story. When patriotism is found in the minds of young generation the country will be developed because they will lead the country in future. I really feel proud to make such a serial.”
The serial has already aired 25 episodes on Ntv. The cast of the serial includes Naim, Nova, Tausif Ahmed, Siam, Jovan, Anchol, Shamim, Allen Shuvo, Tasnuva Tisha are acting in different roles in the serial.
Meanwhile, today is Naim’s birthday. After marriage it will be his first birthday. For this reason, he will celebrate the day along with wife actress Nadia and some of his favourite persons, Naim said.
