Top traditional sweet dishes to relish this festive season

Weekend Plus Desk :
Considered one of the most ancient Hindu festivals, Makar Sankranti is celebrated in different parts of the country. Although it is known by different names in different parts of the country – Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Magha Mela in parts of central and north India, Pedda Panduga in Andhra Pradesh, Biku in Assam, Magha Mela in parts of central and north India and as Makar Sankranti in the west – it is observed on the same day and food forms an integral part of the festival.
During the harvest festival, sumptuous meals and delectable desserts are prepared. Traditional sweets made of jaggery and sesame seeds are also consumed. Wondering how to add zing to the food items this time around? Here are some easy recipes for you to whip up in no time this Makar Sankranti.
Gulab Badam Chikki

2 tbsp – Butter
1 cup – Sugar
1/8 tsp – Salt
1/2 cup – Sliced almonds
1 cup – Dried rose petals
* Melt butter over medium heat in a heavy-bottom saucepan. Then, add sugar and salt.
* Keep stirring the sugar until it starts melting and turns light brown.
* Turn off the heat as soon as it turns golden brown. It will take about four to five minutes.
* Add almonds and dried rose petals and mix properly.
* Pour the mixture over silicone sheets. Allow it to cool.
* Break/cut into pieces.
* Store in an air-tight container.
Til Ki Papdi (Sesame Brittle)
Til or sesame forms an integral part of the delicacies prepared during Makar Sankranti. In places like Maharashtra, special sweets made of jaggery and sesame are prepared and distributed among family and friends. Easy to make and delicious to taste, you can make til ki papdi in no time.

Ganeer Ki Kheer
1l – Sugarcane juice
100g – Basmati rice
3 tsp – Cardamom powder
To garnish – Dry fruits (chopped)
* Wash the rice and soak it in water for minimum 20 minutes.
* Put the sugarcane juice in a pan and bring it to boil on low flame.
* Now add the soaked rice and cardamom powder to the sugarcane juice and let it cook on low flame, stirring it continuously.
* Cook till the rice and sugarcane juice form a smooth mixture and then add dry fruit.
* Remove it from the flame and allow it to cool. n
