‘Top terror’ found dead in N’ganj

UNB, Narayanganj :
Police recovered the bullet-hit body of a top terror of Mushiganj from Siddhirganj area of the city early Wednesday. The deceased was identified as Hadith Ali, 52, a listed top terror of Munshiganj and second-in-command of local ‘Mostafa Group’.
Locals spotted the body of Hadith lying by the Dhaka-Narayanganj link road at Jalkuri Koraitala with his hands and legs tied around 3am and informed police.
Later, police recovered the body and sent it to
Narayanganj General Hospital for autopsy.
Yardous Hasan, inspector (Investigation) of Munshiganj Sadar Police Station, said Hadith Ali was accused in several cases. He was released recently on bail in the Jubo League leader Sadekul Islam murder case after his arrest in November last year. Hadith Ali was picked up in a microbus by a group of plain-clothes people from Munshiganj court premises on Tuesday noon, said witnesses.