Today’s Events


Workers Party of Bangladesh
A joint meeting of all units of Dhaka-8 constituency of the Workers Party of Bangladesh was held in Shahid Asad Auditorium in the city’s Topkhana Road on Friday. President of the party and also Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon was present as the chief guest. While speaking Menon urged all leaders and activists of his party to stand by the flood affected people. Menon said the party units of the northern region, including Rangpur, Dinajpur and Gaibandha districts have already started relief distribution. He urged them to remain alert and take preparations to tackle the flood. The function was also addressed, among others, by party leaders Kamrul Ahsan, Tapan Dutta, Mostafa Alamgir Ratan, Sabbah Ali Khan and Sheuly Shikdar. Dhaka City Unit President of the organisation Abul Hossain presided over the programme.
Swadhinata Chikitsak Parisahd
A discussion called for bringing back all fugitive killers of Bangabandhu to the country for execution of the court’s verdict organised by Rangpur unit of Swadhinata Chikitsak Parisahd (SCP) was held on the 17th instant at Lecture Gallery-1 of Rangpur Medical College (RMC) in observance of the National Mourning Day-2017 and 42nd martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In the programme the speakers said assassination of Bangabandhu and most of his family
members on August 15, 1975 was a part of deep-rooted conspiracy aimed at making the nation leaderless. They said Bangladesh and Bangabandhu are inseparable. They called upon the government for bringing back the absconding killers of Bangabandhu to execute the verdict of the court. The speakers also urged the physicians to work sincerely in strengthening the hands of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to take the nation ahead for building a developed Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Bangabandhu. The function was addressed, among others, by President of Rangpur city Awami League (AL) Shafiur Rahman Shafi, General Secretary Tushar Kanti Mandal, Zila Parisahd Chairman Advocate Chhafia Khanom, Director of RMCH Dr Moudud Hossain. Convener of Rangpur unit of SCP and Principal of RMC Professor Dr Animesh Majumder presided over the event.
