Today’s Events


Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote organizes a discussion on the occasion of second death anniversary of veteran Awami League leader, one of the organizers of the liberation war and cine artiste Alamgir Kumkum in the rehearsal room of the Shilpakala Academy in the city today at 10:30 am.
Ganoforum and Nagorik Oikya jointly organize a rally in front of the National Press Club in the city today at 4 pm in protest against price hike of gas and electricity.
The triennial conference of Mirpur thana Awami League will be held today at Golartek Eidgah ground in the city’s Mirpur today at 3 pm.
Bangabandhu Academy organizes a discussion on ‘Ongoing politics’ and in memory of veteran Awami League leader and cine artiste Alamgir Kumkum at Khwaza Nizam Uddin auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity today at 10:30 am.
