Tobacco-free environment demanded

Teachers and students formed a human chain in front of the Hazera Tazu Degree College at Chandgaon in the Port City demanding prohibition of selling tobacco products immediately yesterday.
Teachers and students formed a human chain in front of the Hazera Tazu Degree College at Chandgaon in the Port City demanding prohibition of selling tobacco products immediately yesterday.

Chattogram Bureau :

Under the auspices of humanitarian organisation ‘ELMA’ with cooperation of Bangladesh Institute of Theatre Art(BITA) and Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids(CTFK) , a human chain was formed in front of Hazera Taju Degree College in the port city yesterday morning demanding implementation of the public notice relates to prohibitions of tobacco products within the 100 yards jurisdiction of all educational institutions in the city .
Under the project titled Peoples Jubilant Engagement for Tobacco Free Kids(PJETFK), the human chain was arranged .
Vice Principal of the college Md. Kutubuddin was the chief guest in the humanchain. Chief Guest in his brief deliberations said selling of tobacco products beside educational institutions , insertion of ad in medias yet to be stopped despite public notice issued by the city Mayor . In this matter, it is essential to continue monitoring by the city corporation regularly in the city schools and college areas , the speakers told in human chain.
The speakers also emphasized the need of awareness of the city dwellers against the bad affects of tobacoo. The attending students vowed to the initiatives of ELMA and BITA & CTFK and demaned to stop advertisement of the tobacco products first. About 200 students participated the human chain. President of CAB, Chandgaon Thana Unit spoke in it among others.
