Tobacco companies compensate retailers exposed to fines


BSS, Rangpur :
A regional rights group called Association for Community Development (ACD) on Friday alleged that certain cigarette companies compensate retailers exposed to fines for violating tobacco laws while selling their products.
“These companies market their products without or partially exhibiting mandatory pictorial warnings on cigarette packets and when mobile courts penalize retailers, they stand by the sellers with compensations,” ACD coordinator Ehsanul Amin Emon told a workshop here citing a study of theirs.
Moreover, he said, these companies were distributing prizes or gifts in various forms to boost the sales of their cigarettes violating the laws as well.
Emon said infrequent mobile court actions appeared largely inadequate for punitive actions against the violation of Tobacco Control Act (TCA) and related laws including smoking in public places.
ACD, which operates in northwestern region, said they carried out the study in districts of Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions, while they staged the workshop jointly with Anti Tobacco Media Alliance (ATMA) and Tobacco Control Coalition.
TCC focal person for Rangpur Shushanto Bhowmick chaired the workshop at ACD’s office in Rangpur city while it was joined by anti-smoking campaigners and media representatives.
