Padma Bridge rail link: Tk 941-crore supervision job goes to Army


The government has decided to appoint the Bangladesh Army for supervising the PadmaBridge rail link project. A deal was signed with the Construction Supervision Consultant (CSC) of Bangladesh Army in this regard on Sunday, said Railways Minister M Mazibul Hoque while talking to the reporters after the signing ceremony at the Rail Bhaban. Bureau of Recharge Testing and Consultant of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) will provided support to the CSC. Sukumar Bhoumik, director of PadmaBridge rail link project and project manager of Bangladesh Army Colonel Abul Kalam Azad signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides. The estimated cost for the supervision work is Tk 941 crore while the tenure of the supervision is 2100 days. The CSC will approve the contractor after scrutinising the designs submitted by contractors competing for the project. Chief of Army Staff General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Haque was present at the event.
