Tk 795 crore budget proposed for youths and sports for 2014-15 year


After lavish spending by hosting Asia Cup, World Cup T20 and Sri Lankan series the government has allocated Taka 795 crore in the proposed budget for 2014-15 fiscal year with Taka 35 crore less than the current fiscal year for the development of youths and sports.
“I propose an allocation of Taka 795 crore, development and non-development combined, in the next year’s budget for the development of youths and sports,” Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said on Thursday while placing the budget for the next financial year.
“We have received wide acclamation for our success in sports management and hosting international tournaments. Having successfully organised the World Cup Cricket 2011, we have hosted Asia Cup Cricket 2014 and ICC World Cup T20, 2014 immediately after assuming office this year.”
The finance minister said the present government is inspired by successful hosting of so many international sports programmes and would continue to organise such major tournaments in future with a view to build a healthy nation imbued within the spirit of sports.
Muhith went on to add special attention would be given to upgrade the skills of our sportsmen, which would enable them to earn more laurel for country in an international arena.
Muhith said emphasis would be given to appoint skilled trainers and coaches in all kind of sports. The distribution of sports materials to different districts together with establishment of new stadiums will continue on, as it will help to promote sports in every part of the country.
“We will put in our all-out endeavors to maintain a congenial atmosphere in sports management. Stern actions will be taken against corruption and mismanagement in sports organisations. We would try to search for new playgrounds at the upazilla level enabling the rural children opportunities to show their talents. However let me warn all that our government would discourage high cost for building stadiums and keeping that thing in my mind, I propose an allocation of Taka 50 crore for this purpose,” Finance Minister added.
