Tk 6.4 cr Monirampur Poura budget announced


Monirampur (Jessore) Correspondent :

Monirampur Pourashava announced annual budget of Tk 6,04,50,293 for the fiscal 2014-2015 without increasing tax for the Pourashava dwellers.
 Mayor Alhaz Shahid Md. Iqbal Hossain announced the budget at a function of Pourashava conference room on Monday in the presence of Councilors, Officials, local elites and journalists.
Announcing the budget the Pourashava Mayor said, it is a development oriented budget aiming at providing better civic amenities to the poura dwellers. The Mayor added, proposed budget attached emphasis on infrastructure developments, health, social a forestation, water supply, public toilets and sanitation.
The proposed budget includes income of over Tk 2,03,50,000 form revenue earning and Tk 3,92,73,083 from development earning the Mayor informed. Letter on after a vivid discussion the budget was passed by the councilors.
