Tk 5 lakh of NGO employees snatched in city

Staff Reporter :
Miscreants snatched Tk 5 lakh shooting an NGO worker from Hazaribagh area in the capital on Thursday.
The victim was identified as Saiful Islam Murad, 35, working for Medecins
 Sans Frontiers (Doctors without Borders), a non-governmental organization.
The snatchers intercepted Saiful at around 12:30 pm while he was on his way to Kamrangirchar after withdrawing Tk 5 lakh from a private bank in Dhanmondi area.
The muggers riding two motorbikes shot him and fled leaving him wounded snatching the money, said Mir Alimuzzaman, Officer In-Charge (OC) of Hazaribagh Police Station.
The locals rushed him to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).
“Saiful received bullet injury on his right thigh,” added OC. “We are trying to arrest the muggers,” said Sub-Inspector Abul Ansar. Meanwhile, a female program presenter of BBC Bangla came under attack by snatchers on Wednesday evening at Lalmatia area in Dhanmondi.
Sharmin Roma, a presenter of BBC Banglar Probah said, “I was returning home attending an Iftar party at Dhanmondi by rickshaw with my daughter. Two motorbike riders snatch my handbag which was tied with my wrist. As my hand was tied with the bag tightly I fell from the rickshaw but the snatchers pulled me down from Sultana Kamal Sports Complex to Dhanmondi 9 Bridge. My back was seriously injured.”
“My young daughter was so seriously shocked that she could not talk for a while.” she said.