Tk 2,200 crore released to pay incentives


Staff Reporter :
The government yesterday released Tk 2,200 crore to pay cash incentive to the designated export sectors and remitters for the months of October-December 2021-22 fiscal year.
The fund was released in favour of the Bangladesh Bank (BB).
Finance Division issued two separate circulars in this regard on Thursday.
According to the circulars, Bangladesh Bank (BB) will disburse Tk 1,000 crore to all scheduled banks to provide 2 per cent cash incentives to the beneficiaries of remittances.
Besides, it (BB) will also
Of the total defaulted loans of the state-owned bank, 38% are with 20 defaulters, the BB data shows.
Hall-Mark is among the 20 defaulters which have got its Tk1,229 crore written off out of Tk3,000 crore.
Sources at the Bangladesh Bank said Sonali Bank could not yet overcome the burden of the huge scam since not a single penny could be recovered. Hall-Mark’s loan scam had shaken the banking sector, casting a long-lasting burden on Sonali Bank’s investment.
Not only Hall-Mark, but also 18 others of the top 20 defaulters of Sonali Bank failed to repay ‘zero’ amount as of August this year.
The other defaulters that got their default loans written off from Sonali Bank are New Rakhi Textile Mills Limited (TK123 crore), Jasmi’s Vegetable Oil (TK105.55 crore), Fair Expo (TK96.30 crore), Alpha Tobacco (TK96.3 crore), One Spinning Mills (Tk93.90 crore), Imperial Dyeing and Hosiery (Tk90.13 crore), Rokeya Textile Mills (TK82.65 crore) , Sahil Fashion (TK81.18 crore), Imam Traders (Tk80.85 crore), Sumi’s Sweater (TK76.7 crore), Riverside Leather and Footwear (TK73.76 crore), Unity Knit (TK71.13 crore), Siddique Traders (TK 69. 26 crore), KPF Textiles (TK68.56 crore), Moon Knitwear (TK67.64 crore), AR Khan Sizing and Fabrics (TK66.86 crore), Jadu Spinning Mills Limited (TK50.34 crore), Sahil knitwear (TK57.68 crore) and Mask Sweater’s (TK48.86 crore).
