Tk 14.73 cr from Ctg cattle markets

A Correspondent :
The Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) has earned a total of Tk 14 crore 72 lakh 90 thousand from eight cattle markets in the city this Eid season.
Of them, CCC has earned Tk 10 crore 89 lakh from Sagarika and Bibir Hat cattle markets only. The rest six cattle markets are, Karnaphuli hat, Steel Mill Bazar, Katgar hat, Patenga hat, Posterpar market, Saltgola rail crossing markets.
According to CCC sources, on September 2 Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin inaugurated Sagarika cattle market.
M Monjurul Islam, acting chief revenue officer of CCC said all money had been deposited to CCC fund.
“We have kept reserve 5 per cent money for cleansing purposes and lessees will clean it after selling out all the cattle. If they do not clean the place CCC will clean it and cut off the percentage,” he added. He also said CCC will also provide full security along with physicians at the cattle markets.
