Corruption, bribery: Titas staff face mass transfer


Kazi Zahidul Hasan :
Authorities of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited have initiated a mass transfer of its officials and employees in view of curbing corruption in the company.
Sources said, the State-owned gas company has so far transferred 320 of its staff members, including engineers, computer operators, supervisors and assistants.
These officials and employees have been working in the same workplace for 4 to 24 years, they said.
There are allegations that Titas staff members have formed a strong bribery and corruption syndicate by staying in the same workplace for years.
Earlier, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) submitted an investigative and observational report on corruption of Titas Gas to the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.
ACC identified possible corruption in 22 sources of the company during its investigation.
These include illegal connection, illegal link renegotiation, meter tampering, excessive gas connection to boiler and generator, system loss, negligence to install EVC (Electronic Volume Corrector) etc.
The highest corruption takes place through illegal connections, the ACC report mentioned.
ACC gave 12 recommendations, including introducing pre-paid meter, conducting surprise drives and imposing higher fines on illegal connection holders, as well as taking action against corrupt officials.
Confirming the mass transfer initiative, Titas’ Managing Director Mohammad Mostafa Kamal told The New Nation that those who are in the same place for years are being transferred.
“Many of Titas employees were working in the same place for 4 to 24 years and even they do not want to go on transfer. Their long-stay in the same place might have created a ring of corruption,” he added.
When asked, he said, their transfer remained overdue as none took the responsibility. But this time, they have been transferred to new places in line with Board’s decision.
“We hope the initiative will help infuse dynamism in Titas afresh and reduce corruption,” the MD said.
Responding to another question, Mohammad Mostafa Kamal said that Titas has already taken the ACC report and its recommendation in cognizance. “We are taking measures to reduce corruption in the company.”
He also said that the government has announced a zero-tolerance policy against corruption and we would take action in line with the ACC report to reduce graft in Titas.
