Titas Gas snaps 66,904 illegal links in Dec

UNB, Dhaka :
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company snapped 66,904 illegal oven gas connections, including that of one industry, four commercial ventures alongside removing 75.29 km of illegal pipelines in different areas in December last.
According to a Titas Gas statement, all these illegal connections were snapped through special drives under mobile courts led by executive magistrates.
A Titas team conducted a drive in Hotapara area of Gazipur to snap illegal gas connections of Mohammadi Restaurant, Comilla Mayer Doa Hotel, Kalam Mia Hotel and Jamuna Bakery.
The executive concerned magistrate of concerned mobile court fined Tk 100,000 to Mohammadi Hotel and Tk 20,000 to Kalam Mia Hotel.
A divisional team of Titas Gas removed 180,126 feet of illegal gas pipelines from different locations in Norsingdi area, 59,059 feet lines in Savar area, 6,200 feet lines in Chandra, and 1,641 feet lines in Begumganj, Nayapara and Hotapara.
The length of all the removed illegal lines will be equivalent to 75.29 km. Under the drives, 66,904 ovens lost their illegal connections.
The Titas Team disconnected the lines of Tania Textile for its unpaid bill of Tk 1 crore.
The team also fixed an additional bill of Tk 73.57 crore for its illegal intervention into the remote metering system (RMS&#41.
The Titas Gas operated a total of 389 drives against illegal gas connection from 16 February 2014 to 31 December 2016 and removed a total of 985.29 km of illegal gas lines.