Tips for healthy meals

Life Desk :
Buy and use fresh food products to make your regular meals. Restrict the use of canned foods, frozen foods, refined foods and processed foods.
Buy staples in bulk during discount schemes. This will enable you to make healthy budget-friendly meals all year round. These staples can be peanut butter, honey, soy sauce, flours, mustard sauce, vinegar, and various dried herbs like cumin, thyme, fennel, bay leaves, spices and other condiments.
For kid-friendly meals, be creative with presentations so that your young ones are excited about eating their food.
If you are low on time but want to make budget-friendly healthy meals, make lentil and bean dishes, sauces, casseroles, soups, sandwich fillings and stews in bulk to last for a few days.
You can combine few inexpensive foods with other ingredients that are a bit costly to balance the meals as well as your food expenses.
Make healthy desserts using low-fat yogurt, honey, dates, raisins and other sweet dried fruits.
Bake low sugar cookies at home with whole grains. Fortify them with pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, dried herbs and dried fruits.
Cookies: fruit pulps to make frozen treats for your kids. These can also be added to ice cream or puddings for some healthy and budget-friendly dessert options.
 Eat raw vegetables and fruits with herbs and spices to make them more interesting. Sprinkle some salt and dry mint over sliced cucumbers or some rock salt over sliced guava. These can be eaten prior to your lunch or dinner as salad substitutes or as mid-day snacks.