Tips for contact lense users

Life Desk :
If you are a beginning to wearing contact lenses, here are a few tips to keep in mind, so that you don’t cause harm to your eyes:
– The number one tip is to remember to wash your hands clean before wearing your lenses, as well as removing them, every single time. Whenever you are handling your contacts, your hands need to be clean and sterile, so that you don’t contaminate the lenses with germs. This will help you avoid any sort of eye or lens infection.
– Don’t forget to change the saline solution in your lenses case daily. This will help prevent the chance of infection.
Also, if you don’t keep your lenses stored in clean solution, they may get damaged or blurred, thus hampering your vision. Also, make sure you rinse your case clean every few days.
Many people forget to remove their contacts after a long day and are tempted to sleep in them. While there are several brands that offer contacts in which you can sleep, it’s best to take them off at night. That way, your eyes will get the much-needed rest they need and this practice will also increase the shelf life of your lenses.