Tickets to World Cup’s Russia-Croatia quarterfinal showdown sold out

TASS, Krasnodar :
All tickets to the quarterfinal FIFA World Cup match between Croatia and Russia have been completely sold out, Vice Governor of the Krasnodar Region Nikolai Doluda who oversees the efforts to prepare for and host the tournament at the regional administration informed TASS on Friday.
The quarterfinal match will be played on July 7 in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, the game will begin at 21:00 Moscow time (18:00 GMT).
Croatia’s national team arrived in Sochi on Monday, while their opponents, the Russian footballers, got in on Thursday. Several thousand Croatian fans are expected to travel to Sochi to attend the match, so more charter flights from Zagreb than usual have been arranged for this purpose.
“We expect about 7,000-10,000 foreign fans at the Russia vs Croatia match.
The stadium will be packed one hundred percent, all tickets to the game havebeen sold out. As you know, there is heightened interest in this match.
Additional trains from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov will arrive in Sochi. The number of charter flights has been increased as well,” Doluda said.